Artist/Maker/Craft Opportunity
Calling all local artists, makers and crafters!
We invite you to showcase your fine art, maker , and craft capabilities at the third annual MASS AVE MILE SUMMER FEST.
Saturday, July 19, 2025
Mass Ave, in partnership with District and IF Theaters closes the 600 block to traffic for a day of live music, food, drink and street fair featuring local makers, artists and crafters.
Mass Ave Cultural Arts District is reaching out to our local artists and makers. We hope you will join us and help us make the event grow each year so it will become a reliable venue for your art.
Sign up by clicking the Register button. Each booth space is $100. The event opens at 11 AM and closes at 5 PM. You will have access to the street after 9:00 AM for setup, but your car must be out of the 600 block before 10:30 AM. You are responsible for your booth setup, table, chair(s) and/or tent. We are reopening the street at 6 PM. We will allow your vehicle back in at 5 PM for tear down.
We require a certificate of insurance providing the Mass Ave Cultural Arts District, Inc. as an Additional Insured or your completion of a Release of Liability Waiver (attached). Please submit to Meg Storrow, Board President, More details are in development.
Sign Up Now! If you have not participated before, we will review your submission to ensure what you are selling is family-friendly, you are local, and that we have a booth space for you.
Downloadable documents
Event dates
Mass Ave Cultural Arts District, 576 E Vermont Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, 46202